Minato Chihiro

  • Kusukazu Uraguchi : Shima no ama (English Version)

    Published on the occasion of the exhibition at Rencontres d’Arles (France) from 1st July to 29 September 2024 (Abbey of Montmajour).

    For centuries, ama – women divers – have fed the Japanese imagination. These free-divers collect abalone, shellfish and seaweed, the sale of which ensures their financial independence within the household. Kusukazu Uraguchi (1922-1988) has been photographing them in the Shima region, along the Pacific coast of Japan, for over thirty years since the mid-1950s. The fruit of extensive research among nearly 40,000 negatives – almost all of them previously unpublished – this remarkable archive of landscapes, portraits and underwater views tells the story of both the daily life and the special place of the ama community within Japanese society.

  • Kusukazu Uraguchi : Shima no ama

    Publié à l’occasion de l’exposition aux Rencontres d’Arles du 1er juillet au 29 septembre 2024 (Abbaye de Montmajour).

    Les ama nourrissent l’imaginaire nippon. Ces plongeuses en apnée, qui constituent des communautés exclusivement féminines, collectent ormeaux, coquillages et algues, se transmettant d’une génération à l’autre leur art et leur connaissance du milieu marin. Durant plus de trente ans, le photographe K. Uraguchi a documenté leur quotidien. Une sélection de ses clichés est ici présentée.