Départ pour L'Image
Francesco Merlini : Better in the Dark than his Rider
Exemplaire Signé / Signed Copy.
1ère édition tirée à 1000 exemplaires.
1st edition of 1000 copies.
Né d’une réflexion sur la nature des images et leur vocation nocturne, Better in the Dark than His Rider est à la fois une fable et un guide de survie.
Born out of a reflection on the nature of images and their nocturnal vocation, Better in the Dark than His Rider is both a fable and a survival guide.
Yelena Yemchuk : УYY ; Україна
Finaliste du Paris Photo–Aperture PhotoBook Awards 2022.
Shortlisted for the Paris Photo–Aperture PhotoBook Awards 2022.
1ère édition tirée à 1 000 exemplaires / 1st edition of 1000 copies.