Fiorito Mauro

  • Mauro Fiorito : The Night Face Up

    Exemplaire Signé / Signed Copy.

    Issu de la mode et du cinéma, le photographe italien Mauro Fiorito vient de publier sa première monographie – The Night Face Up. Présenter un récit profondément personnel qui réfléchit sur la perte de sa mère à travers des photographies de la vie quotidienne des figures féminines dans sa vie aux côtés des divers environnements qui les entourent.

    Coming from a fashion and film background, Italian photographer Mauro Fiorito has now published his first monograph – The Night Face Up. Presenting a deeply personal narrative that reflects on the loss of his mother through daily life photographs of the female figures in his life alongside the diverse environments that surround them.
