Herman van den Boom : 101 MOVIES ; a survey of American drive-in theatres, 1976
Dans les années 1950 et 1960, les États-Unis comptaient environ quatre mille drive-in. En 1976, il ne reste que des paysages vides, inhospitaliers, et des vestiges de constructions. Des surfaces de projection géantes fixées entre deux poteaux, et d’immenses panneaux tels que DRIVE-IN THEATRE, Elko MOROR-VU ou encore 101 MOVIES indiquent leur ancien usage.
in the 1950s and 1960s, there were some 4,000 drive-ins in the United-States. In 1976, left were empty, inhospitable landscapes with strange architectural remains. Huge projection screens and typefaces attached to two-poles, such as DRIVE-IN THEATRE or Elko MOTOR-VU or 101 MOVIES, attest to their former function.