William Eggleston : The Beautiful Mysterious ; The Extroardinary Gaze of William Eggleston
The Beautiful Mysterious : The Extraordinary Gaze of William Eggleston est un examen de la vie et de l’œuvre de l’artiste largement considéré comme le père de la photographie en couleur. William Eggleston est né en 1939 et a grandi dans la ville de Sumner, dans le delta du Mississippi. Son exposition novatrice de 1976 au Museum of Modern Art de New York a contribué à faire de la photographie couleur un médium artistique et a inspiré des photographes et des artistes du monde entier.
The Beautiful Mysterious: The Extraordinary Gaze of William Eggleston is an examination of the life and work of the artist widely considered to be the father of color photography. William Eggleston was born in 1939 and grew up in the Mississippi Delta town of Sumner. His innovative 1976 exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York helped establish color photography as an artistic medium and has inspired photographers and artists around the world.