Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin : War Primer 2
Cette édition brochée est un fac-similé du livre qui a valu à Adam Broomberg et Oliver Chanarin le Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2013.
Originally released in 2011 as a limited edition hardback, this paperback edition is a facsimile of the book which earned Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin the 2013 Deutsche Börse Photography Prize.
Mitch Epstein : Rocks and clouds
Exemplaire Signé / Signed Copy.
Dans sa nouvelle série, Mitch Epstein explore le sens du temps en photographiant des roches qui durent des millions d’années et des nuages qui s’évaporent sous nos yeux.
In his new series, Mitch Epstein investigates the meaning of time by photographing rocks that last millions of years and clouds that evaporate before our eyes.