Goro Bertz : Black Market Photography

Photographe Bertz Goro
1ère édition tirée à 666 exemplaires. Livre Épuisé. Exemplaire État Neuf. The pictures in this booklet, that I have chosen to call Black Market Photography, are taken in the city of Tokyo. I have delibertely been shooting in what you might call the downtown areas. I started to work on these photos around the end […]

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1ère édition tirée à 666 exemplaires.

Livre Épuisé.
Exemplaire État Neuf.

The pictures in this booklet, that I have chosen to call Black Market Photography, are taken in the city of Tokyo. I have delibertely been shooting in what you might call the downtown areas. I started to work on these photos around the end of the year 2003 and took the latest pictures in March 2014. … What you will see in this booklet is a taste of what’s to come.” (extract from the foreword by Goro Bertz)