Hideka Tonomura : Toxic

Photographe Tonomura Hideka
Exemplaire Signé / Signed Copy.

1ère édition tirée à 850 exemplaires / 1st edition of 850 copies.

Dans des photographies sombres, pleines de désir, curieuses, l’artiste japonaise Hideka Tonomura examine la question de l’amour et de ses tabous et absurdités.

In dark, lust-filled, inquisitive photographs, Japanese artist Hideka Tonomura examines the question of love and its taboos and absurdities.

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Exemplaire Signé.
1ère édition tirée à 850 exemplaires.

À l’instar des livres de photographie précédents de Hideka Tonomura sur l’amour, tels que « mama love » et « die of love », les photographies elles-mêmes semblent faire partie des photos. L’exploration de l’amour de Tonomura est liée au médium dans lequel elle opère, avec des sujets posant et parfois regardant droit vers la caméra, et bien que non strictement autoportrait, avec « Toxic » Tonomura semble également explorer son propre soi dans les photographies.

Signed Copy.
1st edition of 850 copies.

Similar to previous photobooks by Hideka Tonomura on the topic of love, such as “mama love” and “die of love,” the photographs themselves become seemingly form part of the pictures. Tonomura’s exploration of love is tied to the medium in which she operates, with subjects posing and sometimes gazing straight at the camera, and though not strictly self-portraiture, with “Toxic” Tonomura also appears to explore her own self within the photographs.

“Only I can deal with my own reality

And it is I who makes the most perfect photographic vector to my own reality

While I am bound by reality yet I will unravel it
There is no point in living for a hundred years

I am made of soul and flesh
I remain in my photographs

Within their ethical framework people are eating

Sometimes photography eats taboo
And love craves it

There are no ethics in love

When love takes over
Photography becomes toxic”

It is my own choice to put my life on the line for photography.
It’s not a path that someone else chose for me. It’s a path that I chose for myself.

My photography is about constantly devoting my body and soul to “I” and “self” between “reality” and “actuality”, assimilating the reality right in front of me, and visualising the reality and actuality that cannot be seen.

I believe in the philosophy of reality and actuality.

It is my greatest wish that my philosophy will be able to touch the hearts of the people and accompany them in this world today and in the future.

I am putting my life into how deep I can dive with my photography.

It is the artist’s job to pursue the ideal. ― Hideka Tonomura