Kouhei Hirose : Yokushiroku

Photographe Hirose Kouhei
Exemplaire Signé / Signed Copy.

1ère édition tirée à 700 exemplaires.

1st edition of 700 copies.

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1ère édition tirée à 700 exemplaires.
Exemplaire Signé.

Yokushiroku est la première publication de livres photos de Kouhei Hirose, dont le travail a été exposé par des galeries de photos de Tokyo depuis plusieurs années.
Le style de photographie de Hirose – ou plutôt de faire des tirages – se démarque immédiatement : grâce à l’expérimentation avec les produits chimiques pendant le processus d’impression, Hirose ajoute une superposition de motifs et de distractions à ses photographies de rue bien étudiées.

1st edition on 700 copies.
Signed Copy.

“There were times when I questioned why people live and why people exist—things I do not need to think about now. However, through the camera, I was able to objectively see the world and accept many things.
In retrospect, I realize that even though I had traversed just a small part of my life, I judged things superficially or conveniently based on little knowledge and much anxiety. You must first realize that though you thought you were the one looking, you are the one being looked at.” — from the artist’s afterword

Yokushiroku is the first photobook publication by Kouhei Hirose, whose work has been exhibited by notable Tokyo photo galleries for several years.
Hirose’s style of photography – or rather of making prints – immediately stands out: through experimentation with chemicals during the printing process, Hirose adds an overlay of patterns and distractions to his well-observed street photographs.