Avec des images et des textes très personnels, ce livre illustre les moments forts du travail créatif de Pascal Maitre sur l’Afrique subsaharienne. Depuis plus de vingt ans, le photographe français qui compte parmi les meilleurs photoreporters du monde voyage dans cette région du monde archaïque et mystique. Pascal Maitre crée des images d’une beauté puissante qui reflètent en même temps la réalité sans fard et les turbulences politiques de cet immense continent. Sa manière pittoresque d’utiliser la lumière et la couleur éveille nos sens, que les motifs soient effrayants, émouvants, fascinants ou qu’ils nous informent tout simplement : sur les gens et leur vie quotidienne, sur la guerre et la lutte pour survivre, sur les traditions et les rituels.
For 30 years and with deep journalistic passion, French photographer Pascal Maitre has put this most exciting continent on his agenda. His watchful and incorruptible eye has found gorgeous, captivating images in places where political and social upheaval shook the world. The pictures were published in big-name magazines such as GEO, Paris Match, L’Express, Stern and National Geographic. In his photographs Maitre subtly uses angle, light, contrast and colour to document Africa, touchingly, full of magic and fascination, with a deep respect for the African people. AMAZING AFRICA is the work of one of the most outstanding photographers of our times.
Pascal Maitre started his career as a photo journalist in 1979 in Paris. Today he is one of the world’s best photographers, working for prestigious magazines such as GEO, National Geographic, Le Figaro, or Paris Match. His photographs were shown at numerous exhibitions around the globe, including eight times at the photo festival Visa pour l’Image. Pascal Maitre worked as a photo journalist in more than 40 African countries, focussing on the fundamental themes of this inexhaustible continent: the African peoples and their ways of life, politics, conflicts, and traditions. In 2012, Maitre’s personal ‘best of’ selection was published by Edition Lammerhuber under the title Amazing Africa. And in 2017 he published BAOBAB.