Zhao Qian : Offcut, the edge

Photographe Qian Zhao
1ère édition tirée à 500 exemplaires. Exemplaire Signé. J’ai pris l’avion pour San Francisco depuis Shanghai le 11 août 2014, le voyage a duré 9 872 miles et le vol a duré 10 heures et 50 minutes. Le décalage horaire entre Shanghai et San Francisco était de 15 heures, j’ai donc mis trois jours à […]

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1ère édition tirée à 500 exemplaires.
Exemplaire Signé.

J’ai pris l’avion pour San Francisco depuis Shanghai le 11 août 2014, le voyage a duré 9 872 miles et le vol a duré 10 heures et 50 minutes. Le décalage horaire entre Shanghai et San Francisco était de 15 heures, j’ai donc mis trois jours à m’adapter. J’ai dormi au moins dix heures par jour.

À propos de l’artiste:
Zhao Qian est un photographe et artiste, né en Chine et vivant actuellement à San Francisco. Il a exposé à l’international tels que Rathfarnham Castle (Dublin, Irlande), French Pavilion (Zagreb, Croatie), MACRO / Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome (Rome, Italy), Ogden Museum of Southern Art (New Orleans, USA), Kala Art Institute (Berkeley, CA, USA), Today Art Museum (BeiJing, Chine) et Dalian Art Museum (Dalian, Chine). En 2016, il a eu des expositions personnelles dans 001 GALLERY (Rome, Italie), Reminders Photography Stronghold Gallery (Tokyo, Japon) et Lianzhou Foto festival (Guangdong, Chine). Son travail a été présenté dans des publications telles que «British Journal of Photography», «Der Greif» DOC! Magazine photo »« LensCulture »et« Yet Magazine ».

Zhao Qian a reçu “Vermont Studio Center Residency and Fellowship”, “The Cow House Studio Artist Residency and Grant”, “HANGAR / Artistic Research Center Artist Residency Program” et “Kala Art Institute Residency Program”. Son “Offcut, the edge” a été sélectionné comme 11e boursier de la forteresse de la photographie de rappel.

I flew to San Francisco from Shanghai on August 11, 2014.The whole journey extended 9,872 miles, and the flight took 10 hours and 50 minutes. The time difference between Shanghai and San Francisco was 15 hours, so I took three days to get adjusted. I slept for at least ten hours each day.

About the artist:
Zhao Qian is a photographer and artist, who was born in China and currently lives in San Francisco. He has exhibited internationally such as Rathfarnham Castle (Dublin, Ireland), French Pavilion (Zagreb, Croatia), MACRO / Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome (Rome, Italy), Ogden Museum of Southern Art (New Orleans, USA), Kala Art Institute (Berkeley, CA,USA), Today Art Museum (BeiJing, China) and Dalian Art Museum (Dalian, China). In 2016 he had solo shows in 001 GALLERY (Rome, Italy), Reminders Photography Stronghold Gallery(Tokyo, Japan) and Lianzhou Foto festival (Guangdong, China). His work has been featured in publications such as “British Journal of Photography”, “Der Greif” DOC! Photo magazine” “LensCulture” and “Yet Magazine”.

Zhao Qian has received “Vermont Studio Center Residency and Fellowship”, “The Cow House Studio Artist Residency and Grant”?”HANGAR/ Artistic Research Center Artist Residency Program” and “Kala Art Institute Residency Program” . His “Offcut, the edge” has been selected as 11th Reminders Photography Stronghold Grantee.