Claudia Jaguaribe : Beijing Overshoot

Photographe Jaguaribe Claudia
1ère édition numérotée sur 500 exemplaires avec un Tirage (18x21cm) Signé.

1st Limited edition numbered on 500 copies with a Signed C Print.

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1ère édition numérotée sur 500 exemplaires avec un Tirage (18x21cm) Signé.

Beijing Overshoot de Claudia Jaguaribe est le résultat d’une résidence à Pékin en partenariat avec l’hôtel Rosewood organisé par les éditions Bessard. Dans cette résidence Claudia a eu l’occasion de travailler avec les Chinois et d’entrer dans le cœur de la société chinoise et de participer et de présenter son travail dans des conférences dans le Three Shadows Photography Art Center à Pékin.

Beijing Overshoot peut être décrit comme une perspective personnelle magique et poétique sur des questions pertinentes pour la Chine contemporaine comme le passé et le présent chevauchement, l’artificiel et la coexistence naturelle d’une manière très particulière, l’extrême pollution et la vie quotidienne à Pékin. Le livre est conçu en chapitres de couleur où les images imprimées sur du papier calque chevauchent d’autres images créant de nouvelles images dans un design extrêmement original ; photos en couleurs.

1st Limited edition numbered on 500 copies with a Signed C Print.

“ Beijing Overshoot is about the images, perceptions, and feelings I had in China that were and continue to be recurrent long after my trips ended in 2015 and 2016. I felt that China and in Beijing in particular condensed and amplified some important and pressing issues for me.
Many things seemed to be bordering the limit of their possibility. Such a constant transformation brought multiple changes in lifestyle. Pollution can be intense and it can profoundly affect everyday life and increase the complexity of living in a megacity. Nature becomes less and less present as ethereal technological imagery projected on huge screens is increasingly used.
Day and night are no longer easily distinguishable because pollution creates a veil that envelops the city and the intensity of artificial lights of differing origins and shapes brighten the night. The monumentality of the city and the constant change of the cityscape physically constrain and contain the hutongs and at the same time enhance their value.
This is the Beijing I experienced.” -Claudia Jaguaribe

Beijing Overshoot by Claudia Jaguaribe is the result of a residency in Beijing in partnership with the Rosewood Hotel organized by Ed Bessard. In this residency Claudia had the opportunity to work with Chinese people and to enter into the heart of Chinese society and participate and present her work in conferences in the Three Shadows Photography Art Center in Beijing.

Beijing Overshoot can be described as a magical, poetical personal perspective on issues relevant to contemporary China such as past and present overlapping, the artificial and the natural coexisting in a very particular way, the extreme pollution and daily life in Beijing. The book is conceived in color chapters where images printed on tracing paper overlap other images creating new images in a extremely original design.

Limited edition of 500 copies with a signed c print by the artist numbered from 001 to 500 by hand,