Photographers on the art of photography

Apprendre des maîtres de la photographie 20 photographes visionnaires partagent leurs points de vue sur leur art et leurs techniques Charles Moriarty, responsable du département photographie de plateau pour Star Wars et photographe pour Amy Winehouse, présente Photographers on the Art of Photography : une série de conversations intimes avec certains des plus grands noms […]

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Apprendre des maîtres de la photographie
20 photographes visionnaires partagent leurs points de vue sur leur art et leurs techniques

Charles Moriarty, responsable du département photographie de plateau pour Star Wars et photographe pour Amy Winehouse, présente Photographers on the Art of Photography : une série de conversations intimes avec certains des plus grands noms de la photographie. Des portraitistes célèbres comme Terry O’Neill, aux célèbres photographes de mode comme Jerry Schatzberg et aux spécialistes de la faune Tim Flach et Sue Flood, ce livre offre un aperçu unique de tous les angles de la profession.
Vingt photographes célèbres discutent de la façon dont ils ont commencé, ainsi que de leurs techniques préférées, motivations, inspirations et plus grandes réalisations. Découvrez la vision de chaque artiste dans ses propres mots et réfléchissez à ce qui rend ses talents uniques.

Entretiens avec les photographes : Ed Caraeff (musique); Terry O Neill (portrait de célébrités); Norman Seeff (musique); Johnathan Daniel Pryce (mode); Douglas Kirkland (Hollywood); Gerd Ludwig (National Geographic); Slava Mogutin (beaux-arts queer); Jerry Schatzberg (mode, film, musique, portrait); Tim Flach (faune); Richard Phibbs (mode, commercial, portrait); Eva Sereny (Hollywood, portrait de célébrités); Sue Flood (faune); Tom Stoddard (photojournalisme).

Learn from the masters of photography
20 visionary photographers share insight into their artistry and techniques

Charles Moriarty, Stills department manager for Star Wars and photographer for Amy Winehouse, presents Photographers on the Art of Photography: a series of intimate conversations with some of the most highly regarded names in photography. From celebrity portraitists such as Terry O’Neill, to famed fashion photographers like Jerry Schatzberg and wildlife specialists Tim Flach and Sue Flood, this book offers a unique insight into all angles of the profession. Twenty celebrated photographers discuss how they got started, as well as their favored techniques, motivations, inspirations and greatest accomplishments. Discover each artist’s vision in their own words and reflect on what makes their talents unique.

Interviews from: Ed Caraeff (music); Terry O Neill (celebrity portraiture); Norman Seeff (music); Johnathan Daniel Pryce (fashion); Douglas Kirkland (Hollywood); Gerd Ludwig (National Geographic); Slava Mogutin (queer fine art); Jerry Schatzberg (fashion, film, music, portraiture); Tim Flach (wildlife); Richard Phibbs (fashion, commercial, portraiture); Eva Sereny (Hollywood, celebrity portraiture); Sue Flood (wildlife); Tom Stoddard (photojournalism).

With a long-standing obsession with visuals, be it film or photography, Charles Moriarty was first employed by the music industry in 2003, before working for 7 years as a medical photographer. Now, with pictures in the permanent collection at the National Portrait Gallery, Charles has worked with Amy Winehouse, Damon Albarn, the Tate, Flaunt, High Snobiety, Lucasfilm (on Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens) and many more. He has produced a book of unseen Amy Winehouse photos (Before Frank, republished by Octopus Publishing as Back to Amy in 2018).