Thomas Wågström : Case Closed

1ère édition tirée à 1 000 exemplaires / 1st edition of 1000 copies.

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1ère édition tirée à 1 000 exemplaires.

“Case Closed” est une compilation de 45 ans de photographie. Une fin et un début à quelque chose de nouveau. Il comprend des photographies de 10 livres déjà publiés, ainsi qu’une vingtaine de photos inédites, qui se fondent dans une histoire complètement nouvelle.

Signed Copy.
1st edition of 1000 copies.

“Case Closed” is a compilation of 45 years of photography. An end and a beginning to something new. It includes photographs from 10 previously published books, together with some twenty never-before-seen pictures, that weave together into a completely new story.

”All of the photographs are striking, all of them exert a pull on us, all of them are filled to the brim with atmosphere and meaning, which the viewer takes in immediately, at first glance. And they are all connected, all related to each other, by virtue of the artistic temperament and the worldview of which they are an expression, and which is to be found in a characteristic tonality or timbre that is easy to recognise, but hard to define. They are existentially charged, a loop of rope has no less of a presence than that of a sleeping soldier, simply because it exists, I think, and the pictures explore differences in the way that which exists, exists.” – from Karl Ove Knausgård’s text in Case Closed