Alex Webb en a parcouru tous les recoins, explorant son immense diversité. En contraste avec cette approche, Rebecca Norris Webb a photographié “la ville dans la ville dans la ville”, le cœur vert de Brooklyn -le jardin botanique, le cimetière GreenWood et Prospect Park, où les Brooklyniens se croisent. Ensemble, leurs photographies de Brooklyn racontent une histoire américaine plus vaste, qui concerne l’immigration, l’identité et le sentiment d’appartenance ; entretien avec Sean Corcoran, photos en couleurs.
Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb have been photographing this New York City borough for the past five years, creating a profound and vibrant portrait. Alex Webb has traversed every corner of the borough, exploring its tremendous diversity. This parallels his work made in the past forty years, traveling to photograph different cultures around the world―all of which are represented in the place he now calls home. Contrasting with this approach, Rebecca Norris Webb photographed “the city within the city within the city,” the green heart of Brooklyn―the Botanic Garden, Greenwood Cemetery, and Prospect Park, where Brooklynites of all walks of life cross paths as they find solace. Together, their photographs of Brooklyn tell a larger American story, one that touches on immigration, identity, and home ; interview with Sean Corcoran.