Amit Desai : America Sutra

Photographe Desai Amit
Livre Épuisé / Out of Print Book.

Exemplaire état neuf / Copy as new.

Un coffret comprenant 7 livres brochés / A box included 7 paperback books.

Inspirées par des personnes, des lieux et des situations de la vie réelle, ces histoires photographiques témoignent des leçons apprises sur la route.

Inspired by real life people, places and situations, these photographic stories are a record of lessons learnt living on the road.

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Livre Épuisé. Exemplaire état neuf.

Après le 11 septembre 2001, Amit Desai a pris la route en Amérique avec un appareil photo et un sac de films. Il a passé les dix années suivantes à photographier ce qu’il considérait comme le rêve américain. Il dormait sur les planchers, les canapés et sur le sol en tant qu’invité de toutes les personnes qu’il a rencontrées le long du chemin.
Amit a voyagé dans les 50 États à plusieurs reprises. Il a tenu des journaux, écrit des histoires et des chansons, et a pris des photos. Le résultat est America Sutra, un portrait du rêve américain réalisé sur la route entre les années 2001-2012.

Out of Print Book. Copy as new.

After Sept. 11, 2001, Amit Desai hit the road in America with a camera and a bag of film. He spent the next ten years photographing what he saw as the American dream. He slept on floors, couches and on the ground as a guest of all the people he met along the way. Amit traveled back and forth across the 50 states many times over. He kept diaries, wrote stories and songs, and took pictures. The result is America Sutra, a portrait of the American dream made on the road between the years of 2001-2012.

A series of 7 artist’s books/Une série de 7 livres d’artiste:
Vol. I, The Young & The Old: Color portraits made with a plastic camera. 80 pages, 73 color plates.
Vol. II, After the Fall: “Voodoo pictures of spirits, saints and sinners.” Desai photographed a roll of film, then reloaded the same roll of film back into the camera to re-expose it. 88 pages, 79 b&w plates.
Vol. III, Love is a Photographer: Street photography with a SX-70 Polaroid camera. 120 pages, 113 color plates.
Vol. IV, Paradise Park: A photo-comic book presenting a fictional story. 288 pages, color throughout.
Vol. V, Time Code: A semi-narrative constructed from surveillance video and still captures, a combination of chance and reactionary theater, since all of the subjects know that they are being recorded. 88 pages, 81 color plates.
Vol. VI, White Mountain: Erotic poems and drawn images, printed and re-photographed on Polaroid. 104 pages, 99 color plates.
Vol. VII, United States: Short stories framed by collage. 154 pages.