Gregory Halpern : ZZYZX

Photographe Halpern Gregory
1st edition, 4th printing.

Les images de ce livre commencent dans le désert à l'est de Los Angeles et se déplacent vers l'ouest à travers la ville pour se terminer au Pacifique. Ce mouvement général vers l'ouest fait allusion à une soif d'eau, ainsi qu'à l'expansion originelle de l'Amérique, qui est née à l'Est et qui se dirigea avidement vers l'ouest jusqu'à atteindre le Pacifique, accomplissant ainsi son destin «manifeste».

The pictures in this book begin in the desert east of Los Angeles and move west through the city, ending at the Pacific. This general westward movement alludes to a thirst for water, as well as the original expansion of America, which was born in the East and which hungrily drove itself West until reaching the Pacific, thereby fulfilling its “manifest” destiny.

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1ère édition, 4ème impression.

Les personnes, les lieux et les animaux du livre existaient bien avant la prise de vue de Halpern, mais il a cousu ces photographies dans une œuvre de fiction ou de fantaisie – une structure, une séquence et un montage qui, comme Los Angeles lui-même, est sur le point de s’effondrer sous le poids de sa propre masse aux formes étranges.

Gregory Halpern est né en 1977 à Buffalo, New York. Il a publié un certain nombre de livres, dont A (2011), Omaha Sketchbook (2009) et East of the Sun, West of the Moon (2014), une collaboration avec Ahndraya Parlato. Il a également édité, avec Jason Fulford, The Photographer’s Playbook: Over 250 Assignments and Ideas (2014). Il est titulaire d’un BA en histoire et littérature de l’Université Harvard et d’une maîtrise en beaux-arts du California College of the Arts. En 2014, il a reçu une bourse Guggenheim.

[…] traditional American landscape photography has become a rather moribund photographic trope […] a sanctified, cliched reverence has become the norm. In Halpern’s California work, I see him removing himself from the comforts of the past and endeavouring to strike out afresh, rethinking his conditioning and antecedents to break free of this particular mould.— Chris Killip

1st edition, 4th printing.

Beauty and its implication of promise is the metaphor that gives art its value. It helps us rediscover some of our best intuitions, the ones that encourage caring.— Robert Adams

The people, places, and animals in the book did exist before Halpern’s camera, but he has sewn these photographs into a work of fiction or fantasy—a structure, sequence and edit which, like Los Angeles itself, teeters on the brink of collapsing under the weight of its own strangely-shaped mass.

Gregory Halpern was born in 1977 in Buffalo, New York. He has published a number of books, including A (2011), Omaha Sketchbook (2009) and East of the Sun, West of the Moon (2014), a collaboration with Ahndraya Parlato. He also edited, along with Jason Fulford, The Photographer’s Playbook: Over 250 Assignments and Ideas (2014). He holds a BA in History and Literature from Harvard University and an MFA from California College of the Arts. In 2014 he was the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship.