Masters of Photography : Albert Watson ; Creating Photographs

Photographe Watson Albert
Version française ici Let legendary fashion and portrait photographer Albert Watson guide you through how he captures his images. In a series of bite-sized lessons Watson unveils the stories behind his most-famous shots and gives you the inspiration, tips and ideas to take into your own photography – from how to work with lighting and […]

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Let legendary fashion and portrait photographer Albert Watson guide you through how he captures his images. In a series of bite-sized lessons Watson unveils the stories behind his most-famous shots and gives you the inspiration, tips and ideas to take into your own photography – from how to work with lighting and lenses, to learning to embrace your creativity and advice on getting your foot in the industry door. Illustrated throughout with key images from Watson’s incredible 50-year career.

1 – Learning from the journey
2 – Be bold
3 – Find inspiration
4 – 80 per cent creative, 20 per cent technical
5 – Camera formats, lenses and prints
6 – Planning, planning, planning
7 – Consider the individual
8 – Setting up the studio
9 – Control light
10 – Shooting advertisements
11 – Shooting celebrities
12 – Capture the geography of the face
13 – Capture the face of the landscape
14 – See the beauty and charisma of objects
15 – Embrace natural light
16 – Surround yourself with good people
17 – Working with Photoshop
18 – Watch out for shots, and they’ll come to you
19 – Look for memorability
20 – Capturing Morocco